Blog: Next New

The form of new media that I suggest is a VR app that allows for people to see humanitarian crises. The reason why I think this is a good idea is that people are always complaining about what is going on in third world countries, but we never see any change. Perhaps this form of new media will allow for people to connect with others across the world and see the actual disasters they are living through. One positive effect of this is obvious. People will become more aware of problems going on in the world. Another positive effect is that this app could help collect donations and spread awareness on social medias like Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. The whole point of this new media would be to help the people in unfortunate situations and by having an everyday person live the experience, we might see a change in the way these situations are handled. Crises like those in Syria and Venezuela are deeply misunderstood by the general public and I think that a new media like those could do wonders for the world.


  1. I agree with you that if VR can restore humanitarian thinking and behavior patterns, it has a strong resonance, especially the principle of neutrality and universality. Humanitarianism is not biased towards either side, its application is unbiased, and assistance is provided regardless of local conditions.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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