Blog: Privacy

In this post, discuss how the issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media.

Issues of privacy and confidentiality can be seen in various new media. The form of new media in which I specifically see this as a major problem is social networking sites. On websites like Facebook, people post a lot of personal content. We share photos, memories, ideas, and sometimes our most deepest thoughts. Some people post this stuff on their profile pages and others post this on messenger. While it may seem safe to do because our privacy settings are set on certain modes, we all know that we are not safe. Facebook has proven again and again by getting hacked that none of our information is safe in and in the world of the internet, your privacy is never really safe. I think this is an issue where there might be no solution since the internet is kind of like a free world where numerous people have special "keys", the hackers, and they can do as they please when they please. However, I do think social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have gotten better at privacy issues because they have secret messaging where messages disappear after several minutes and some other cool features. I'm just a little unsure about all that because you're still putting information out into the internet and I'm certain all my messages history is sitting on a database out there somewhere. The issue of confidentiality can also be related to new media because sometimes people don't want others to see their social profile or see their other side. Many people use social media as a way of chilling or vibing out and in order to do that, we have to create different characters for ourselves through social media. We use these accounts and hope that there is some sort of confidentiality between us and the social media source, but time and time again, we see that different companies and different people can easily find all of our social media accounts. All in all, there is pretty much nothing we can do because the world is changing, becoming more digital, and there is no easy way to really adapt. 


  1. Hey Gurvir! i definitely agree with your thoughts on how we have a different side of us portrayed on social media vs. how we actually are in real life. I guess it is just impossible and we now have to know how to cope and control with how we portray ourselves online. It is very hard to live without social media because we use it to connect with family, friends and even for work. We can't just quit, so we must know how to use it safely and carefully.

  2. Hi Gurvir, I see your point on how no matter how many privacy settings facebook has to offer, our content isn't really safe. I have experienced times when even though I have the highest privacy setting put on for my own facebook account, there are little loopholes where my content still isn't as private as I'd hope to be


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