Blog: Advice

If I was hired by Baruch College to use new media in improving the College, I would suggest several things. The most important one that comes to mind is a better website for students looking to apply for courses, view aid, check grades, etc which is all CUNYfirst and Blackboard. These websites load on the computer sometimes and other times crash or don't load properly. As a freshmen who never really knew how to use these sites, I struggled severely because of their poor design. I think they could become more user friendly and also transformed into one overall site for all students of Baruch to use. This website should also show different events on campus, being that we go to a business school and sometimes it can be very hard to differentiate which events belong to STARR and which are student-run. My other suggestion would be to create a working mobile app for the same product because of the fact that so many students are rarely around computers. On the go, I like to check my grades or my financial aid but I never can because the school websites are not mobile friendly. Another way I could improve the College through new media is really emphasize /r/Baruch on reddit. This page has lots of cool stuff on there and many students use this subreddit to rant or post genuine questions they have about events at school and issues they have in classes. Using this throughout the whole student body could be very helpful for everyone who attends Baruch. 


  1. I highly agree with your notion that the aspect of applying to course on Baruch is quite outdated. The poor design and frequent lag has caused me many troubles when trying to enroll into my courses and it sure is frustrating. I also like your point to get the Baruch website more involved with the on campus events and such in order to build a sense of community on and off campus whether it is in person or online.


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