Blog about Twitter

A Twitter discussion varies from a BlackBoard Discussion in a number of ways. First off, based on today's assignment, the discussion was open to all the students in our class but I don't see why no one else could join in on the conversation. All our tweets were public so pretty much anyone who follows us or was tracking the hashtag could see our posts and further debate with us on our thoughts. Also, Twitter is a lot less restricted in titles, content and etc. It only has a character count so one would have to really think about what they wanna say in the most concise way possible. On a discussion board, I could hypothetically type essays if I wanted to. Now in comparison to a in-class discussion, everything is totally different. On Twitter, every user is protected from one another through their screens. In the real world, we would all be face to face and we could see each other's body expressions, change of tone and etc. It would give us a better understanding of what a person is saying and why. On Twitter, all you get to see are a person's words and maybe a picture of who they are. However, in-class, we would all be sitting relatively close to one another, firing back at each other constantly and it would be much more fun in my opinion. 


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