Blog: Social networking sites

The 4 social networking sites I visited were Facebook, Twitter, Reddit & LinkedIn. Personally, I only really use Facebook, Reddit & LinkedIn. On first glance, I can immediately tell the difference between all the websites. Facebook is more of a place to tell a story, share your thoughts and share memories/updates with your friends. The very blue background makes the user want to stay on the website and browse through the many different things the website has to offer. Maybe this is why I constantly find myself aimlessly digging through photos, videos, old status updates from my friends. Twitter seems almost like a blogging website to me. Although there is a word limit, I constantly find my friends and other people sharing their most deepest thoughts or interesting parts of their days on Twitter. You don't really see that on Facebook or anything else so to me, Twitter is a social networking site for someone who constantly may want to express him/herself. Reddit on the other-hand is by far my favorite social networking site. It is pretty much like a forum like social network filled with tons and tons of different subreddits. You can find discussions about literally anything and half the time it can be about nonsense and the other half the time it can be about some very serious topic. Reddit is a social networking site that not many people appreciate because of its complexity but at first glance, you could literally end up roaming through the site for hours because of the unlimited content on there. Now LinkedIn is a beast entirely on its own. This one, right off the bat, seems like a website for people to network with one another, get to learn more about career updates and etc. The outlook of the site varies for people based on what industry they are in but for the most part it is very professional and you don't see any similar content to what you would find on Facebook, Twitter & Reddit.


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