HW Creativity

Create a new post on your blog with the above title. In your post, cite at least one of the assigned readings and discuss how new media fosters creativity.

New media such as the internet and various social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and etc. foster all kinds of creativity. Whether it be memes on Instagram/Twitter or Disney mashups of famous songs on Youtube, new media allows people to really get creative. The article on the NYT titled, "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?" states that, "The finished products look like music videos in which the cartoon characters do the singing." This article was very important in my understanding of new media and creativity because it shows how people are literally using stuff they find on websites like YouTube, making their own original content with it, and garnering millions of views. I think this is possible because social media is kind of like a free roaming world. Users have unlimited options in designing photos, videos and all other types of things and all they really need is some sort of base content. On our social media platforms, we can find all types of base content like videos of hit songs or pictures of certain celebrities or other wacky things. Once the base content is collected, users have the ability to fire off with their creativity in creating videos, memes and etc. This is the main reason why people are able to make a career off YouTube and just making content on Facebook/Instagram. They were/are ahead of the curve when it came to using new media in order to foster creativity. Although we still see people fostering creativity till this day, I feel like it was a different kind of phenomenon about 10 years ago. When the first big YouTubers got famous or when I saw my first meme, it was a different kind of experience. Now, I am a lot smarter and aware of the different trends in social media so it just makes this game of creativity even more enjoyable. People have to get really creative with their usage of new media to really make users go "wow" and I think that for this reason alone, we should look at new media as a positive influence on our society.  


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