
Showing posts from 2019

Blog: Next New

The form of new media that I suggest is a VR app that allows for people to see humanitarian crises. The reason why I think this is a good idea is that people are always complaining about what is going on in third world countries, but we never see any change. Perhaps this form of new media will allow for people to connect with others across the world and see the actual disasters they are living through. One positive effect of this is obvious. People will become more aware of problems going on in the world. Another positive effect is that this app could help collect donations and spread awareness on social medias like Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. The whole point of this new media would be to help the people in unfortunate situations and by having an everyday person live the experience, we might see a change in the way these situations are handled. Crises like those in Syria and Venezuela are deeply misunderstood by the general public and I think that a new media like those could do...

Blog: Wiki So Far

I have done a lot of research into a streaming service called the WWE Network. Under the New Media in Entertainment category, specifically section 9.17, I will talk about the effect new media has had on WWE as a global brand and how it has influenced the creation of the network. This platform is similar to the likes of Netflix, Hulu and all the other sports streaming services but it is unique in the sense that subscribers get to watch unlimited historical content which is contained within the "WWE Vault." I will be taking it a step further to talk about how this has influenced the creation of various other streaming services such as ESPN+ and the partnerships that have culminated like UFC and ESPN. The WWE Network was something created in 2012 with the hopes of finding success. It took 2 years before it finally picked up and garnered support from fans all over the world. This is also part of the reason why we now see that PPV is becoming less and less popular amongst fans/br...

Blog: P2P

File sharing is the transferring of digital media content through various possible means such as phones, computers, the internet, etc. It usually involves two different users, one who is sending and one who is receiving. My most recent memory of file sharing is the airdrop function on Apple devices which allows users to send files like books, pictures, videos and etc. to others. P2P file sharing is a form of file sharing which usually involves peer-to-peer technology such as a third party software or something like that. My earliest memory of P2P file sharing was Napster which I remember caused a lot of controversy because it of how new the technology was and how it was deemed piracy. Some examples of P2P file sharing could be Napster when it was first introduced and game servers like Fortnite. Napster was a form of P2P because it connected people who had music available to share with people who needed music through some 3rd party software which created a network for these kinds of peo...

Blog: Privacy

In this post, discuss how the issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media. Issues of privacy and confidentiality can be seen in various new media. The form of new media in which I specifically see this as a major problem is social networking sites. On websites like Facebook, people post a lot of personal content. We share photos, memories, ideas, and sometimes our most deepest thoughts. Some people post this stuff on their profile pages and others post this on messenger. While it may seem safe to do because our privacy settings are set on certain modes, we all know that we are not safe. Facebook has proven again and again by getting hacked that none of our information is safe in and in the world of the internet, your privacy is never really safe. I think this is an issue where there might be no solution since the internet is kind of like a free world where numerous people have special "keys", the hackers, and they can do as they please when they please. H...

Blog: Advice

If I was hired by Baruch College to use new media in improving the College, I would suggest several things. The most important one that comes to mind is a better website for students looking to apply for courses, view aid, check grades, etc which is all CUNYfirst and Blackboard. These websites load on the computer sometimes and other times crash or don't load properly. As a freshmen who never really knew how to use these sites, I struggled severely because of their poor design. I think they could become more user friendly and also transformed into one overall site for all students of Baruch to use. This website should also show different events on campus, being that we go to a business school and sometimes it can be very hard to differentiate which events belong to STARR and which are student-run. My other suggestion would be to create a working mobile app for the same product because of the fact that so many students are rarely around computers. On the go,...

Creativity and New Media

This past Winter break I went to Los Angeles. I had posted numerous "boomerangs" on my Instagram story depicting my experience. Boomerangs are just like 3 second gifs you can create. Recently, I discovered that Instagram lets you take your 3 second gifs and combine them all if you want to tell a cool little story. So, I took all my old snippets and tried to be as chronological as possible in highlighting my trip on a day to day basis. The new media I used here is Instagram and I guess I got creative by using a bunch of little stories I had from a long time ago to create kind of a scrapbook in a sense. Hope you enjoy it!

HW Creativity

Create a new post on your blog with the above title. In your post, cite at least one of the assigned readings and discuss how new media fosters creativity. New media such as the internet and various social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and etc. foster all kinds of creativity. Whether it be memes on Instagram/Twitter or Disney mashups of famous songs on Youtube, new media allows people to really get creative. The article on the NYT titled, "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?" states that, "The finished products look like music videos in which the cartoon characters do the singing." This article was very important in my understanding of new media and creativity because it shows how people are literally using stuff they find on websites like YouTube, making their own original content with it, and garnering millions of views. I think this is possible because social media is kind of like a free roaming world. Users have unlimite...

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

I believe that virtual worlds can be used in a number of different ways. People use virtual worlds for video games, meditating, health, educational seminars and other reasons which result in real life like experiences. Some pros of of virtual worlds are that they foster creativity and allow for users to experience events that they may otherwise be unable to. In some instances, people can be healed in health through a virtual world when they had to way to do so in the real world. Playing video games builds eye-hand coordination and also helps users relieve stress, socialize and better their communication skills. Meditating is the same in both the real world and the virtual world but sometimes you can create a different environment for yourself through a virtual world. Educational seminars are constantly growing and growing throughout the world and these are important because they connect classrooms, interns, workers, and just people in general from all over the world. In the article i...

Blog about Twitter

A Twitter discussion varies from a BlackBoard Discussion in a number of ways. First off, based on today's assignment, the discussion was open to all the students in our class but I don't see why no one else could join in on the conversation. All our tweets were public so pretty much anyone who follows us or was tracking the hashtag could see our posts and further debate with us on our thoughts. Also, Twitter is a lot less restricted in titles, content and etc. It only has a character count so one would have to really think about what they wanna say in the most concise way possible. On a discussion board, I could hypothetically type essays if I wanted to. Now in comparison to a in-class discussion, everything is totally different. On Twitter, every user is protected from one another through their screens. In the real world, we would all be face to face and we could see each other's body expressions, change of tone and etc. It would give us a better understanding of what a pe...

Blog: Social networking sites

The 4 social networking sites I visited were Facebook, Twitter, Reddit & LinkedIn. Personally, I only really use Facebook, Reddit & LinkedIn. On first glance, I can immediately tell the difference between all the websites. Facebook is more of a place to tell a story, share your thoughts and share memories/updates with your friends. The very blue background makes the user want to stay on the website and browse through the many different things the website has to offer. Maybe this is why I constantly find myself aimlessly digging through photos, videos, old status updates from my friends. Twitter seems almost like a blogging website to me. Although there is a word limit, I constantly find my friends and other people sharing their most deepest thoughts or interesting parts of their days on Twitter. You don't really see that on Facebook or anything else so to me, Twitter is a social networking site for someone who constantly may want to express him/herself. Reddit on the other-...

Blog Social Networking

          Social networking can be used in a number of different ways for corporations, ordinary people and even people of power. Corporations use social networking these days to market their products or services and they are always willing to pay a lump sum of money to get their ads out on social media. Every one lives on their phones these days so it makes sense why corporations target people on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. On the flip side, ordinary people use social media to let their friends know what is going on in their lives, a cool trip they might have gone on, a big event in their life, a celebration, or maybe even what they had for dinner the previous night. We live in a time where the conversations we have with one another can last longer online than in person and it just goes to show that social networks are becoming stronger and stronger. Powerful people like our president can also use social networks to influence people within s...

Blog V. Wiki

I would start off by saying that the main difference between a blog and a wiki is how they are used by the consumer. People tend to use and edit blogs to share their thoughts with one another. This can be about feelings, personal issues and even simply free writes. Blogs are more of an art form that people use as a medium to express themselves. On the other hand, a wiki is more of a informational source that people use and edit. Usually, a person is either learning or teaching when they are on a wiki. If you want to learn about a book, a movie or a specific event in time or anything that has some sort of meaning to you, the best place is probably a wiki page. That is the major difference between the two sources. In the news article "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid", the author discusses how a blog can have a tripple effect. Readers and bloggers were all from the same community and used it as a way to generate attention towards an issue they wanted solved. Blogs are a fo...

The Evolution of Professional Wrestling

I chose to do my project on the impact of new media on the professional wrestling industry. New media has changed the way people watch wrestling and also the reason why we watch it. In the '90s, every teenager watched wrestling on their television sets and now its been replaced by the likes of Youtube, Reddit & streaming platforms. At the same time, everyone knows that wrestling is scripted but viewers are still on the edge of their seat as if its real. This is because of the way the product is put out on various new media platforms and it's also allowed new forms of competition to arise. In my research paper, I will discuss how the industry has changed over time with the addition of various new medias and how in the year 2019, new media plays a huge part in every aspect of the business. Some things I will touch upon include how television allowed for companies like WWE to reach a larger fan base in the late '90s and how social media platforms today allow viewers to bec...